About the project

In the student-led project, class VII students embarked on a fascinating exploration of patterns that surround us. This led them to appreciate how patterns influence our perception of reality.

Driving Question

How do patterns influence our understanding of the world?


Led by the driving question, the students began their research journey by gathering relevant facts and information related to the topic.

With keen curiosity as their compass, they traversed through urban landscapes, natural ecosystems, and cultural artifacts, uncovering the hidden symmetries and rhythms woven into our world. Through collaborative efforts, they analysed, interpreted, and documented these patterns, employing a diverse array of tools and methodologies. From the fractal geometry of tree branches to the tessellations in city architecture, their project revealed the ubiquitous presence of patterns and their profound influence on our perception of reality. By engaging in hands-on research and creative expression, they aimed to not only deepen our understanding of patterns but also inspire others to embrace the beauty and significance of the patterns that surround us.

Upon completing their initial findings, they presented a first draft to their mentor for feedback. With guidance from their mentor, they refined their work and produced a second draft over the following weeks. Once the second draft received approval, the students commenced preparations for their final presentation.

Project Culmination

Students presented their learning in the form of a presentation. Special guest Dr. Mohit Kumar Srivastav, along with parents, enjoyed the presentations of the students. Utilising models and charts effectively, they showcased their research findings with impeccable clarity of thought. During the presentation, they actively engaged the audience by posing questions and employing a whiteboard for interactive participation.

Teacher Reflection

As the teacher overseeing this project, I am immensely proud of the students’ dedication and effort throughout their research journey, which has been truly rewarding. It’s evident that they took ownership of their learning by actively collecting and analysing information, incorporating feedback, and creatively presenting their findings. This project not only allowed them to deepen their understanding of patterns but also fostered collaboration, critical thinking, and communication skills. Our special guest, Dr. Srivastav, encouraged students and gave them additional insights on the topic and its analysis. Moving forward, I aim to continue fostering such student-led exploration and providing opportunities for hands-on learning experiences that inspire curiosity and creativity.